This show is a complex snap shot of new contemporary Indian artists who work out of (the culture scape called) Delhi . The show puts together a mix of artists’ whose works the city has not quite engaged with (in terms of the dominant gallery structures) and are curatorial deemed important to be viewed and engaged with. The snapshot claims complexity because it does not fit into the conventional idea of upcoming artists, yet it is constructed out of a curatorial hunch regarding an array of artists who have been working in the city for sometime now and have worked away from the market glare and the all consuming stylistic homogeneity. One key aim of this show is to establish that art exists outside of dominant trends and often such work often reflect a layered sense of artistic practice and a kind of personal engagement with art making which was being rendered unfashionable during the market boom that clouded our taste.
It is a non thematic show, thought the pressure to bestow a theme on every curated show is hard to ignore one feels that this goes against the nature of this curatorial endeavor. The curatorial enterprise instead chooses to focus on a critical selection and working out display in close collaboration with artists.
This blog , as a part of the confirmation, the participating artists are invited to join the blog (separate invites for which are being sent). The blog proposes to be a site where in the participating artist and the curator meet and exchange ideas. It is also a site where in artist are invited to upload the works/ concepts being prepared for the show. This will enable a closely worked out planning of the display.